Learn English – Why is the present and the past tense mixed in this fairy tale


After that the king says to Molly: 'Molly, you are a clever girl, but
if you would do better yet, and steal the giant's ring that he wears
on his finger, I will give you my youngest son for yourself.' Molly
said she would try. So back she goes to the giant's house, and hides
herself below the bed
. The giant wasn't long ere he came home, and,
after he had eaten a great big supper, he went to his bed, and shortly
was snoring loud. Molly crept out and reached over the bed, and got
hold of the giant's hand, and she pulled and she pulled until she got
off the ring

This is from English fairy tales. I read some English fairy tales and they are usually written in past tense. However there is some sentences written in present tense in this story like "So back she goes to the giant's house and hides
herself below the bed". Why does present and past tense mix in this fairly tale?

Best Answer

Fairy tales are often written in more informal and dramatic language, since they are meant to be read aloud to children.

In particular, mixing or shifting of tenses is a dramatic technique to draw the reader/listener into the action. See this Wikipedia article on "historical present".

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