Learn English – Why we need “ever” between “have” and “seen”


I am reading English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.

I have seen 2 sentences below,

It is a beautiful painting?
Yes, it is the most beautiful painting I have ever seen.

I dont know why did they use "ever" between have and seen.

Please advise!

Best Answer

Is your question about why "ever" is needed at all?

That is, do you want to know how these two are different?

It is the most beautiful painting I have seen.

It is the most beautiful painting I have ever seen.

These two mean the same thing. However, the second is preferred for several reasons:

  1. "have seen" usually takes an indication of time ("have seen today", "have seen since Monday"...). It sounds a little strange without it.
  2. While "have seen" on its own suggests that "ever" is meant, it's often preferable to actually say that clearly.
  3. Saying "ever" also makes the statement more emphatic. Given that the statement is praise for the painting, being emphatic is expected.