Learn English – “Why wouldn’t you come meet me?” vs. “Why didn’t you come meet me?”


When I was watching a movie, I came across this phrase:

  1. Why wouldn’t you come meet me yesterday?

What is the difference in the meaning from the other phrase:

  1. Why didn’t you come meet me yesterday?

Best Answer

Consider meaning 2a of will (the infinitive of would) from Merriam-Webster.com:

used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent, or in negative constructions refusal [emphasis added]

This means that your sentence 1 is expressing that someone was asked to meet, and refused; and now the questioner seeks to understand why they refused. (This also implies that a meeting was not expected, because it had been refused.)

In sentence 2, there is no element of consent or refusal, only a lack of action; so the implication there is that a meeting was expected, but the other person failed to show up, and now the questioner seeks to understand what caused the person to miss the meeting.

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