Learn English – Wide variety or wide choice (in context)


Fill in the Blanks

We offer a wide ……. of classes in this school.

  1. case

  2. variety

  3. part

  4. choice

For me a wide variety of classes imply that we have various classes (in different subjects) and wide choice of classes imply that you have a lot of classes to choose from (and attend in). But the questions of the book in which I found this question have one valid answer and I don't know which one is right and I am not native so I cannot be sure about the feeling I get from each answer.

So, which answer is right (or more appropriate)?

Best Answer

From a strictly technical standpoint, both 2. and 4. are grammatically correct. An answer depends on the intention of the question.

  • You could have 20 courses that cover 5 subjects in total: this shows a wide choice of classes.
  • You could have 10 courses that cover 10 subjects in total: this shows a wide variety of classes.

But, having said that, I find a wide choice to be awkward because I'm not used to hearing it—I'm not even sure I'e ever heard it. (I'm used to a wide selection instead.)

If the word is choice, I think that large choice is more common. (Which is not an available option.)

In contrast, I've heard both wide variety and large variety. Don't ask me why; English is annoyingly illogical.

In conclusion, I would choose 2. because it is both grammatically correct and more common.