Learn English – “will become accustomed to” or “will be accustomed to”


Which of the following sentences is correct:

  • You might find it strange at first, but you will be accustomed to
    it soon.
  • You might find it strange at first, but you will become
    accustomed to it soon.

The second one seems to be correct! if I am right why is that?

Also, I am interested to know where we use be and where we use become in general?


Best Answer

They are both correct but emphasize different aspects of the accustomization.

The first emphasizes the final state: you will be accustomed to it soon. I.e. at some point in the future (soon), you will find that you are used to it.

The second emphasizes the transition: you will become accustomed to it soon. I.e., you will soon undergo the transformation from "not being used to it", to "being used to it."