Learn English – Wishing Merry Christmas or Happy New Year on Dec 28th


It's 28th of December.

Between the two holidays, Should you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year" to your friends?

I am so confused of what time of day it is right now and so the festivals.

Best Answer

On the 28th, Christmas has passed, so say "I hope you've had a great Christmas."

It's conventional to reference the next upcoming holiday in goodbyes if the holiday is near, so saying "Happy New Year's" would be best since that's the next coming up holiday on the 28th. Expressing hope that they had a good holiday is polite and can be part of a polite goodbye:

I hope you had a great Christmas and that you have a great New Years too. Take care!

If you are around someone you don't know and don't know if they celebrate Christmas, you can, as a sign of respect, change references of Christmas to "holiday."

New Years is a well known holiday and doesn't have to be connected with any religion or political ideology, it's just ushering in a new year on the calendar. So it's safe to wish people a happy New Year.

I hope you've had a great holiday and that you have a great New Years too. Take care!