Learn English – Word for a forgetful person


I'm searching for word suggestions. Something that you could use in a line of prose, for example; "the auburn-haired person who forgets things often", with the "person who forgets things often" replaced by a single-word alternative. I've thought of simply shortening it to "the auburn-haired forgetful", but though having some initial charm, it simply comes across as very offputting.

This is why I'm turning to this site. I need some input and advice on giving an easier name for this phenomenon.

Best Answer

Consider the word "scatterbrain" - One who forgets things easily: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/scatterbrain

It is a little "jocular" - that is, it is a light-hearted word. It's not a nasty word like "idiot" but it lacks seriousness.

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