Learn English – word for immediate future just like “just” for immediate past


Let's say, Someone asks me

Are you having dinner right now?

But right now I have an important call to make, so I say

Not right now but I will have it in 4-5 minutes.

Even though I say 4-5 minutes, I don't mean it literally. I want to say that I have got something to do but it would hardly take any time, so even though It is not right now per se but not after very long time also.

What world can I use to say equivalent of 4-5 minutes?

Best Answer

In US English (I cannot speak to British) the equivalent would be just about to:

Q: Have you had dinner yet?
A: Yes, I've just finished it.

Q: Are you having dinner right now?
A: No, but I'm just about to.

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