Learn English – Word for “lunch” + “dinner” eaten late


A late breakfast/early lunch combination meal is called "brunch". Is there a parallel term for the afternoon?

What do I call "lunch" joined with "dinner"?

Note that I don't mean a meal eaten between lunch and dinner, but a meal that serves the purpose of both lunch and dinner.

Best Answer

Words for meals in English are:

breakfast: first meal of the day, eaten in the morning

lunch: a meal eaten around noon

supper: a meal eaten in the evening

dinner: the biggest meal of the day. For most Americans that's the same as supper, though some people have their big meal at lunch time and so call that dinner.

brunch: a meal too late to normally be called breakfast and too early to be lunch, and/or which takes the place of breakfast and lunch.

There is no commonly-used word for a late lunch or early dinner or supper. Dinner times vary pretty widely. A big meal eaten anywhere between about 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm would routinely be called supper or dinner and no one would consider that strange. People sometimes say "we had an early dinner" or "we eat supper late" to distinguish.