Learn English – Word for “not crowded”


In my mother tongue there is a very common word to use when you're in a place that is "Not crowded". (Not crowded means few people, cars etc., but not deserted)

In English, I am having a hard time finding the equivalent. I often just say not crowded. Do we have a better word for that? I thought of "Sparse", but I think that's neither right nor a common word for everyday English.

Example 1

How was the event? Was it crowded?

No. There were not many people. It was not crowded.

Example 2

How was the grocery store? Was it crowded?

No. It was mid-day. There were not many people. It was not crowded.

Best Answer

Your example asks

How was the event? Was it crowd?

This would be better as

How was the event? Was it crowded?

Some ways to answer "not crowd" could be

There was a poor turnout.

It was poorly attended.

Most seats were empty.

It was almost deserted.

It was a flop.

and so on.