Learn English – word for “the state of deserving something”, such, as, say, “deservance”


Italian has a word called "merito", which describes the state which a person may attain in reaching a state of deserving something. Unfortunately, bilingual dictionaries tend to do a poor job of translating this word into English. I was wondering if it is possible, in English, to use a word such as "deservance". I would say yes.

So, in general, can I use any verb, such as "deserve", and attach the suffix "ance", to create a word describing the quality of possessing the state attained by means of using such verb?

For instance, I may construct a sentence such as, "Rewards will be granted according to each person's respective deservance of such rewards."


Best Answer

If you want to use the word deserve, you can use the gerund form, deserving, or simply "merit" as @Gutsavon mentioned in a comment.

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