Learn English – word/phrase that means “first nature”


I'm aware of the phrase second nature:

second nature

a tendency or habit that has become characteristic or instinctive.

"deceit was becoming second nature to her"


Is there something that means "first nature"? Example sentence:

His light, like air, had become __ to her.

(Maybe "first nature" is common enough? And applicable in this situation?)

Note: By "first nature" I mean, things that are fundamental to us like food, shelter, air, etc.

Best Answer


first nature

You seem to mean something that already occurs and has not been learned.

The possible words you are looking for are

Babies will instinctively cling to their mothers.

Without any training, he is a natural-born athlete.

Depending on your perspective, a related term might be

idiot savant

which describes someone who is mentally handicapped, but brilliant at one particular thing.

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