Learn English – Word request for dishonest modesty


Is there a less intense (more causal, less offensive) equivalent single word that means being dishonest in being modest or to show yourself to be modest when, in fact, you are just pretending?

Best Answer

The closest term I can think of is humblebrag, which specifically refers to a statement that appears on the surface to be a sign of humility while actually is a form of bragging. This term is somewhat recent slang and definitely carries a negative connotation.

Humblebrag Example:

Stephen Fry: Oh dear. Don’t know what to do at the airport. Huge crowd, but I’ll miss my plane if I stop and do photos … oh dear don’t want to disappoint


If you're okay with using more than one word, I think the closest phrase for a dishonest form of modesty would be false modesty. If you want to be a little more indirect, you can say someone is being ostensibly self-deprecating.