Learn English – Word to describe something that is not the “last” one


Suppose you have a series of objects (first-second-third-fourth). Here the fourth object is the last object and the first object is the first object. But what is a word to call first, second and third objects?

First objects? non-last objects?…. Please note that the number of objects can be arbitrary.

Update As some asked where I needed this I should say I needed this word when I wanted to teach Persian to someone, I said

In a conjunction of multiple sentences with passive verb tenses, you can use contracted form for …. verbs and the full form for the last verb.

I meant for all the verbs but the last.

Best Answer

Any given item in a list falls into one of the three categories...

1 first
2 intermediate/intervening (all except the first and last)
3 last

We can also divide the list into just two categories - all except the first or last...

1+2 preceding/antecedent/earlier (relative to the last item)
2+3 following/subsequent/later (relative to the first item)

...but note that both these forms can be used to reference just one earlier/later item (or several, but not necessarily all items except the first/last).