Learn English – Word(s)/phrase(s) for “making you seem smarter than you really are”


Are there words (or phrases) that mean "makes it seem as if you are smarter/more educated/more refined/etc. than you really are" (while you know you are not)? For example, like a word suitable to fill in the following sentence.

I'd like to have a ______ saying on my profile page. What comes to your mind?

UPDATE: Sorry, it seems my question was somewhat underspecified. What I wanted is not expressions that have "deceiving people" meaning, but what suggest "it's felt like the doer is trying to be smarter than s/he is" kind of nuance. Of course, it sounds jocular rather than serious when you use it to yourself like in the example above. Please point out if my English is still unclear.

Best Answer

I'd say spin.

According to American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, definition #6, as a noun:

a. A distinctive point of view, emphasis, or interpretation: "adept at putting spin on an apparently neutral recital of facts" (Robert M. Adams).

This said, putting spin on your profile page would imply the use of disingenuous, deceptive, and highly manipulative tactics.

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