Learn English – words to describe the sound bombing makes


I report in English in a conflict zone. I often need to describe the sound bombing and airstrikes make when slammed into their target, mainly nearby. The only word I use in such situation is "explosion" or "blast" but I do need a variety of options to choose from. Is there any other word, whether it's verbs, nouns, adjectives, that can describe the above mentioned situation?

Best Answer

"Explosion" and "Blast" 100% work in this situation.

The explosion sound made from the bomb was extremely loud.

The blast from the bomb was extremely loud.

If these words become too repetitive I suggest using onomatopoeias.

Onomatopoeias are words that express a sound and could be used as an interjection at the beginning of the sentence.

Boom! The bomb went off after the minute was up.

The "boom" at the beginning of the sentence could be replaced by a variety of different onomatopoeias. Such as "boosh", "bam".

For further list of these words see: List of Onomatopoeias

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