Learn English – words to describe unqualified person


The context:
Our manager is always complaining us about using private phones during working hours. However, whenever our General Director is out of the office. This manager keeps using his phone or doing private things the whole day. Supposed that,
if he criticize us next time, can we say

You're not capable of criticizing us because you are also using your
phone all day long.

I'm not sure if it is correct and natural or not. Could you help me?

About the context, actually I just made it up to speak my mind easily. I might not dare to say that to my manager :)). I will use your suggestions in another similar context with another person.

Best Answer

Setting aside the workplace issues ...

are not capable of criticizing and you are also are grammatical but a tad stiff there. You'd want to say

You can't criticize us since you're using your phone all day long too.

Since you're using your phone all day long too, you can't criticize us.

And if you really want to "get in your manager's face" about it:

Who are you to criticize us when you use your phone all day long too.

P.S. This is a rhetorical question (and thus a kind of assertion) whose answer resolves to You are not anyone to criticize us. In other words, "You have no right to criticize us". It is similar to Who do you think you are, criticizing us! In other words, "What special rights or privileges do you believe you have, that would allow you to criticize us!" And the implied answer is "None!"

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