Learn English – Words which mean Off and On when someone is speaking a second language


My spoken English is not very good; my vocabulary is weak too.

Sometimes when I am talking to some foreigners, I have to think for a while to find the word I want in my mind but this always makes the conversations swap between "on" and "off".

By this I mean that the conversations are suddenly stopped because I have to look for a suitable word or phrase. Usually it's a minute or two before we can continue the conversation.

Is there a word that can fully describe the "on" and "off" state I experience in these situations?

Best Answer

think about
pause to search for
reflect to consider

are all phrases that describe stopping to think about something, which is what you are doing when you think about a suitable word or translation.


would be an adjective to describe the stop/start of a conversation, which can be used even if natives are speaking with each other.

Our conversation would stop while I paused to search for an appropriate word.
The conversation was halting and not fluid.

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