Learn English – Would have gotten it


The quote from Godfather by M. Puso:

Sollozo said quitely, "I'll take care of Luca. You take care of Sonny
anf the other two kids. Listen, you can tell them that Freddie would
have gotten
it today with his old man but my people had strict
orders not to gun him.

It's not quite clear what would have gotten it means there. I thought it means that Friddie would have been killed today, but… but I'm not sure if get can have such meaning.

Best Answer

You are correct. Exactly what 'it', when used in expressions like 'bought it', 'gotten it', etc., refers to in this context has always been a bit ambiguous to me (in this case, what Freddie would have actually gotten is a bullet), but the gist of the meaning is that Freddie would have been killed.

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