Learn English – “would have had to pay” vs “have to pay”


If you are willing to start a business or move your existing business
to Russia, you may be able to obtain Russian citizenship within three
years by merely paying taxes you would have had to pay anyway.

Why the writer does not simply says "by merely paying taxes you have to pay anyway" ? why he uses present perfect here not just the simple present form?

Also, Why does he uses would ? Is it because he imagines if-situation here (paying taxes) ?

Best Answer

Is it because he imagines if-situation here

That's right. By using the conditional with would, the writer is saying that even if you went with the first option, you would still have to pay the taxes. The implication is that this second option is better because you get its benefits (the citizenship within 3 years) since no matter which you choose you would still have to pay the taxes.

In explaining the "taxes you would have had to pay anyway" you could say "taxes you would have had to pay anyway had you chosen not to move to Russia". It implies that in the current tense we're talking about the second option as if we've already chosen it, and then considering what would have happened if we chose the first option.