Learn English – Would it be wrong to write “I’ll pay the next time we’ll have dinner” instead of “”I’ll pay the next time we have dinner”


I need a little help with the grammar structure being used in this sentence

I'll pay the next time we have dinner.

Would it be wrong if I write

I'll pay the next time we'll have dinner"

I would appreciate it if someone can enlighten me on this. Thanks.

Best Answer

The following sentence is correct:

I'll pay the next time we have dinner.

have is present simple. we use present simple in several ways: according to the British Council, one of those ways is

something that is fixed in the future.
The school term starts next week.
The train leaves at 19:45 this evening.
We fly to Paris next week.

In this sentence I'll pay the next time fixes having dinner in the future, so we can use present simple to refer to a future event.

Note the if you use the next time to refer to an event in the past, you cannot use present simple to refer to a past event:

The next time we met, we had dinner.

If you did insert will it would be taken as an expression of planning, rather than a future event. For example, if you met somebody for a drink and things went well, you might say

Next time [we meet], we will have dinner

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