Learn English – Would you help me choosing the right answer for the following question


Which sentence is correct?

  • a) How I was saying before being interrupted, being polite is mandatory…
  • b) I got a promotion! Now I work like a production manager, with my own room and a personal assistant.
  • c) Nothing new to report. Same like last week.
  • d) That is not enough. To finish the job I will need at least three times as much.

My thoughts:

  • a) is wrong. ' as I was saying …' would fit better here.
  • b) is wrong. 'I work as a productions manager, …' sounds better.
  • c) and d) seem correct to me.
  • Which one would be the best option, c) or d) ?

Best Answer

All four sentences are examples where "as" should be used. (d) is the only one that uses "as", so it happens to be correct.

  • a) As I was saying before being interrupted, being polite is mandatory...
  • b) I got a promotion! Now I work as a production manager, with my own room and a personal assistant.
  • c) Nothing new to report. Same as last week.
  • d) That is not enough. To finish the job, I will need at least three times as much.

All four choices are examples of semi-formal speech. They are all examples of things a "production manager" might say, either at work, or to his wife. Choice (c) does not use full sentences, but it is a natural way to give a status report. Unless the "production manager" is responsible for supervising a "room" in a factory or "boiler room", an American would say "my own office" instead of "my own room".