Learn English – Would you mind to answer this question


If someone asks:

Would you mind to answer this question?

… and you answer:


…does that mean, you are willing to answer this question?


You do mind NOT willing to answer this question?

I'm confused when people answer to "Would you mind …" questions saying "Yes", whether they do like or not.

Best Answer

First off, the use of the infinitive after the verb mind is ungrammatical (this source may be helpful).

As for requests starting with the phrase "Do you mind"/"Would you mind", they may be used:

1.When you are asking for the permission to do something yourself – then it is followed either by "if" + "I do something" or (rarer) "my doing something".

2.When you are asking someone to do something – then it is followed by the gerund.


Would you mind/Do you mind if I finish off the cake?

Would you mind/Do you mind my sleeping here?

Would you mind / Do you mind opening the window?

The answer may be "Of course not!" which means "I don't/wouldn't mind if you do it", or "Of course I do (mind)!" which means the reverse.

Also, to agree, you may answer "Go ahead!" or "Please, do!" or to disagree, "Please, don't!" (Then it would be polite to explain the reason for your disagreement) .