Learn English – Writing two sentences in a short way


I'm not an English native speaker. I'm trying to translate an abstract of a scientific work to English.

The problem in the work has zero Neumann condition for the angle displacement. The problem also has zero Neumann condition for the longitudinal displacement.

I'd like to know how to write these informations in a short way. However, I dont know how the grammar works in this case. Is the sentence below correct?

The problem has zero Neumann conditions for the angle and
longitudinal displacements.

Some specific doubts: Should I insert "for the" or "the" before "longitudinal"? Should I write "displacement" after "angle" and use singular at the end?


Best Answer

Your sentence is grammatically correct. There are two changes you should consider:

  1. EDIT: Oops! Per Tetsujin's comment, "Zero Neumann condition" is apparently correct mathematical jargon. I found an example of your usage on Google (Remark 1.9 here). You could also say "for both the angle and longitudinal displacements".
  2. Change "The problem" to "This problem". Only do this if you've already mentioned the problem.