Phrase Meaning – Your English Is Better Than My <>


I am a native Czech speaker and English is my secondary language. I communicate with foreigners including both English and non-English natives. Sometimes, before we meet in person, I let them know I am far from a native and I ask for a bit of understanding with my speaking/listening as long as I still learn the language. They usually reply:

Your English is definitely better than my Czech!

I am not sure how to interpret it. I have encountered people of various Czech language proficiency: Most of them were only able to say "thank you" or "goodbye" in Czech. On the other hand, few of them were quite fluent.

  • Likely negative: Does it have a slightly pejorative meaning that "Your English sucks less than my Czech"? Although, it used, a smile :) after might indicate a joke, tease…
  • Rather neutral: Is it just a neutral phrase of politeness meaning "Do not worry, I try my best to understand you"?
  • Just a phrase: It has no real hidden meaning and is yet another phrase like "Hey, how are you"?
  • Likely positive: Do they want to cheer me up that I surprise them and I am doing really well?

Best Answer

It’s both a compliment about your skill with English and a self-deprecating joke about our own lack of skill (likely zero) with yours, in hopes this will put you at ease.

The subtext here is that we will forgive any slowness, errors or difficulties you have and are happy to clarify anything we say if needed. We care more about the content of what you’re saying than the form.

This is usually something you’ll hear from native English speakers who have studied a foreign language (probably not yours, and probably long ago) and therefore understand how difficult it is and appreciate how much effort you’ve obviously put into learning ours.

Unfortunately, those who’ve never studied any foreign language tend to think all non-fluent speakers are stupid, and there are enough such people that the rest of us also want to reassure you that we’re not one of them.