Learn English – “You’re the only one…”


Do any of these sentences sound natural for you?

  1. You're the only one I need to love me.
  2. You're the only one I need to have love me.
  3. You're the only one I need to make love me.
  4. You're the only one I need to get to love me.
  5. You're the only one I need to be loved by.

In the sentences one to four, did you understand that I need you in order to love myself or that I need to be loved by you?

Best Answer

Number 1 is the normal way to express the idea that "you" are doing the loving and "I" am receiving the love and "you" are the only person that I need to do this.

Number 2 is grammatically incorrect. "Have" here could be interpreted in multiple ways and I started to type in a list of them, but it gets out of hand. There are so many ways you could say that a sentence could be correct if you changed this word or that ending.

Number 3 is awkward. It could be interpreted as "make" being passive, so that the sentence essentially means, "You are the only one that I need to make love me", i.e. you are the only one that I have to force or convince to love me.

Numbers 4 and 5 are grammatically correct. They seem to me to use more words to express the idea than necessary, but whatever.

If you wanted to say that "you" are the only person that I need to enable me to love myself ... I guess number 1 could be interpreted to mean that. As an isolated sentence, few would read it that way. In context it could have that meaning, but I'm hard pressed to come up with an example where it would not be awkward. If that was what you wanted to say, I'd say something more like, "You are the only person I need to help me to love myself".

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