Questions – How to Make an Object Question for the Object of Infinitive of Purpose


Object questions are easy, if in the sentence there is just a main verb, showing the whole action. What if there is an infinitive of purpose with an (prepositional) object?

How does one make object questions for the nouns following infinitives at the end of these example sentences?

Highway systems were built to connect the suburbs.
He bought some flowers to give to his wife. 
He locked the door to keep strangers out.

I've been going trough a dozen of American and British grammar books I was able to get my hands on. I've found nothing on this particular problem. They keep it short and simple.

I guess adding a wh-word at the end of that statements is a safe option, isn't it?

Best Answer

Your newly created question does not need to question the action, locked the door for example, because the action did occur therefore it need not be questioned.

Highway systems were built to connect the suburbs.

What things are connected by building highway systems?

The built highway systems connect what?

He bought some flowers to give to his wife.

To whom is he giving the flowers he bought?

The flowers he bought are to give to whom?

He locked the door to keep strangers out.

Who is kept out by his locking the door?

He locked the door to keep who out?

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