Modal Verbs – ‘Might Not Be Good’ vs ‘Might Be Not Good’: Correct Usage


I've been taught that when making a negative with a sentence with a modal verb in it, not should be placed right after the modal verb as in She might not be good.

But I wonder how about another similar sentence below.

She might be not good.

With not placed after be, to me it feels natural.
I'd like to get your answers about this.
Thank you.

Best Answer

I would automatically respond with She might be not good* is incorrect you should say She might not be good or She might be no good

However in this situation even the dictionary has no really convincing argument that you are wrong just that it is not normally done that way.

We use no and not in some common fixed expressions: C.E.D.

No problem, no good, not worth

When you see Alan, can you give him this letter? Yes sure, no problem.

It’s no good standing around watching. Do something!

It’s not worth taking a taxi. We can walk.

But since you are referring to all modals;

She might be not good. With not placed after be, to me it feels natural.

Is not a convincing argument for the rest of the modal clan to be treated in the same way. It also has a somewhat colloquial or Pigeon English feel to it.

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