Reminiscing about (someone / something) – A casual alternative


I wonder what do you usually say when you recall pleasant past memories about someone?

The only word I know is "reminisce" which sounds formal for everyday speech.


I'm reminiscing about Cindy and her laughters. Haha!
Yea, those were the good old days.

Another example:

I'm reminiscing about that vacation we took to Amsterdam.

Could you please tell me whether there is a better verb or expression and on the whole, a more casual way fitting better in everyday speech.

Best Answer

It's okay if it's not the word you're looking for, but "reminiscing" is not too formal for everyday speech (at least, not mine!). It's a great choice because it has exactly the meaning you're looking for—dwelling on memories of the past, with a specifically positive connotation.

Some other good options would be to use broader words:

I'm thinking about that vacation...

I'm remembering that vacation...

(By the way, if there's any confusion, see these questions about "remembering" in the continuous tense.)

You can also add modifying words:

I'm thinking fondly of that vacation...

There are number of idioms about reminiscence, but they might sound even more contrived:

I'm just taking a walk down memory lane... [this one doesn't take an object, so you still would have to pair it with an explanation like "by remembering that vacation"]

I'm reliving the memory of that vacation...

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