Word Choice – ‘Street’ vs ‘Streets’ in a Sentence


In this sentence, the difference is clear, I think:

He put on his jacket and ventured into the street(s).

street: one specific street.

streets: the streets of that city/town.

In the following sentence, however, I'm not very sure. Both options seems correct to me:

Let's wait until there are fewer people on the street(s).

Is there any difference? What option is more appropiate?

Best Answer

There is a subtle difference in your two examples and I don't think they mean quite the same thing. Street can be used literally to refer to a paved road. Street can also be used to refer to particular things that that are outdoors or occur outdoors. Here in the U.S. homeless people live on/in the street or streets. You may say either. They both mean out of doors or unsheltered.

If I say He puts on his leather jacket and ventures into the street(s), I would generally be saying ...and ventures outdoors. This is different than saying He went into the street and starting clearing downed trees from last night's storm, which is a literal reference to a paved road.

When referring to literal, paved roads you will want to pay attention to the plural form. The street is covered in oil is different from The streets are covered in oil. When referring to outdoors you can use either street or streets. In that instance they mean the same.