Questions, Subjects, Objects – Subject Question vs. Object Question


In the text book that I am supposed to use in my lessons I have this explanation on the difference between subject and object questions:

enter image description here

I want you to especially pay attention to this sentence above:

"In subject questions … we don't normally use an auxiliary verb in
the Present or Past simple

Then, right on the next page I have this exercise:

enter image description here

I this task, as far as I understand, students are asked to come up with two questions for each sentence and one question must be an object question and the other one must be a subject one.

However, when I look at the sentence 3 there:


it looks to me like both suggested questions are object questions:

"What did Eva do yesterday?"

"How many films did Eva watch?"

At least, in both of these questions the auxiliary verb "did" is used, which, according to what is written above ("In subject questions … we don't normally use an auxiliary verb"), means that none of them is a subject question.

Can anyone, please, explain to me my confusion?

Best Answer

The "subject question" would be "Who watched three films yesterday?"

There are several different predicate questions that could be asked, depending on the "gap".

How many films did Eva watch (gapping "three")

What did Eva watch yesterday (gapping "three films")

What did Eva watch three of, yesterday (gapping "films")

What did Eva do yesterday, (gapping "watch three films)

When did Eva watch three films (gapping "yesterday)

Those would all show "object question" type grammar.