Term for making someone feel bad for asking a question


I came up with the term "condescending." Example being "Why did you ask this follow-up question? I've already helped you far more than your colleagues" and "You are already supposed to be self-propelling. I'm going out of my way to instruct you on your work." when coming from a boss. But, that may not be the word.

Best Answer

I don't think there's a specific word for "being made to feel bad for asking a question". You can describe what the boss did as condescending:

showing that you think you are more important or more intelligent than other people

or say that your boss embarrassed you:

to make someone feel nervous, ashamed, or stupid in a social situation

or belittled you:

to say or think that someone or something is unimportant or not very good

but those are more general, and you'd have to describe the situation in more detail.