The appropriate word that should be used for ‘something that is given by God’


I looked up the word in my bilingual dictionary and the word (the translation) I'm looking for is:

  1. Blessing, favor
  2. Thanks to, owing to, due to
  3. Profitable, doing well (of an enterprise).
  4. Small amount of food taken home after ceremonial meal.

In my opinion, the first sense from those four is appropriate and likely to use. Here is the context, by the way:

Andy: What do you think of my eyes? The doctor said it's strabismus. Causing bad luck! this makes my appearance less
attractive and no girl will be attracted to me!

Lucy: Hey! You should be grateful for the blessings given by God! Some people were born with blind eyes.

Does that sound natural? However, I'm also familiar with the word "gift" when I was watching English-subtitled anime.

X: you have nice hair!

Y: Yeah, it's a gift.

Since the word gift isn't listed in my bilingual dictionary, I confuse which word I should use.

Best Answer

Gift is certainly used in this context - indeed, there is a cliche, a "god-given gift". Or "He thinks he's god's gift to women".

But blessing also seems natural and fine in your context, if perhaps a little old fashioned.

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