Phrase Meaning – What Is the Meaning of ‘Had Anyone Outside’ in This Sentence?


I have difficulties understanding the following sentence:

Out of all of that, for some reason, my mind caught on that last bit.
I’d never been called a mewling lapdog before. Had anyone outside of breathless fiction or social media?

The excerpt was taken from Backyard Starship Book 1 of J.N. Chaney and Terry Maggert.

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Does it mean there are occurrences where he was called 'mewling lapdog' in social media?

Can anyone point the meaning and use of the phrase 'Had anyone outside'?

Best Answer

You're not parsing that correctly. The phrase is not "Had anyone outside". It is "Had anyone - outside of breathless fiction..."

"Had" here is referring to "[had] been called a mewling lapdog". In other words, "had anyone ever been called that, except in fiction or social media?"

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