Phrase Meaning – What Does ‘Cannot Wait for the Break’ Mean?


In Reddit, there's such a post as follows.

Absolutely exhausted

Is anyone else just done with this semester? I still have a few midterms to do but I have had barely any time to study for them with the massive workload consisting of endless assignments. I have been growing tired of the semester for a while but this week I have felt like I am reaching my limit. Content isn't getting easier obviously and I noticed that this week I have had immense trouble staying focused for long periods of time. I have noticed that I start to really burn out around mid November. Its making it difficult to finish my last few weeks worth of assignments.

Any one else in the same boat? Honestly cannot wait for the break.

What does 'cannot wait for the break' in the last sentence mean? Does it mean:

  1. The OP can't wait for the winter holiday when he/she can rest


  1. The OP can't wait to see and communicate with a peer in the same boat?

Best Answer

It would mean number 1. Break is often used as slang for a holiday or time off of school/work.

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