Word Meaning – Understanding ‘Peachless’ in Jokes


I saw this joke just now and have googled for a while to understand what that means but failed.

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I can't believe someone broke into my house and stole all of my fruit. I am peachless.

I think the first sentence means that 'They are now fruitless' or 'They are now unproductive', but I cannot comprehend the second sentence.

Here are some of my guesses according to this thread and this article:

  1. it should be speechless
  2. no peach to eat

What does the 'peachless' mean? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The expected phrase is "I'm speechless", as in, I'm completely lost for words.

The joke replaces the normal word with the made-up word "peachless", which is interpreted as "a state of where someone is without peaches".

This joke is a pun (wordplay) and also an absurd humor.

A pun is where the expected word is changed to another word, (sometimes made-up, but can be a real word), to convey a different meaning than expected.

The absurd scenario is regarding the robbery. In this scenario, if someone broke into your home, you tend to not worry about whether you have any peaches left. The joke is in the sudden shift from "being concerned with a robbery" to "being concerned about lack of peaches", which is absurd.

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