Meaning – What Does “World’ll Be Shut of You” Mean?


In Sling Blade (1996), Karl visits his father after a long time:

Karl: I studied on killing you. I studied about it quite a bit.
But I reckon there's no need for it if all you're gonna do…
is sit there in that chair. You'll be dead soon enough.
And the world'll be shut of you.

What does "world'll be shut of you" mean? Closest phrase I know is "Shut someone out".
This one here is different.

Best Answer

'to be or get shut of someone or something' is a variant of 'to be or get shot of someone or something'. It means to be rid of the person or thing.

I was glad to be shut of my old car. It was always in the garage.

get shut of in British English or get shot of

to get rid of

Get shut of (Collins Dictionary)

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