Present Continuous – How to Discuss Actions Continued for a Long Time


What grammar should I use if I want to talk about a routine action (something like "running, biking, wrestling, bowling") that I have been doing for a long time and will definitely go on doing in the future too?

I'm wrestling

I do wrestling

Is there any difference between them. And if there isn't, which one is preferable? Thanks for your help🙏🏻


Present continuous: Something started in the past but haven't finished yet. It can be a long process like (learning a language). We can use some periods with present continuous like (today, this week, this year, etc).

Simple present: Mentions something in general, fact, something happeds all the time and repeatedly, how often we do things like (everyday, every morning, etc), premanent situations like (my parents live in Canada).

Best Answer

Present continuous always carries the feeling of being temporary, and usually for a short time only.

Present continuous is also commonly used with a few verbs that may take a very long time, like "study" and "learn", but part of the meaning of those words is that they will eventually end, and are not a permanent condition.

So "I'm wrestling" sounds like either you are actually in a wrestling match at the moment, or it's an activity you're doing regularly these days, but with no plan to do it indefinitely.

Simple present, on the other hand, describes something that's a normal, regular part of your life that will continue indefinitely, which I believe is the meaning you want.

So "I wrestle" is correct.