Meaning – What is the Meaning of This Last Run-on Sentence?


Vincent speaks about the sky:

Vincent: But, the sight of the stars always makes me dream.
Why I say to myself should those spots of light in the firmament be
inaccessible to us? Maybe we can take death to go to a star
and to die peacefully of old age would be to go there on foot

What's the meaning of this last run on sentence?

That's a weird sentence to me, I think it's something like "Maybe we go into the stars when we die, and dying of old age is just getting to the stars slower".

Best Answer

This line from the movie (I assume) is adapted from one of Vincent's letters (which Fumblefingers has found)

The meaning is there in the shortened version for the movie, but it is clearer in the full letter. The extra information from the letter is in brackets []

Stars are spots of light [just like towns on a map are spots of black, we can go to towns when we are alive] perhaps our "soul" visits the stars when we are dead. [We can go to a town by rail, horse, or slowly by walking, the quick ways then to get to the stars are diseases like cancer.] Going to the stars by dying of old age is like walking [to a distant town]

It is rather morbid, and melancholic. Van Gogh is known to have had exaggerated mood swings, typical of a bipolar disorder.

Note. That is not a run-on sentence this sentence is a run-on sentence. A run-on sentence is not just a long one. It is one that fuses two clauses without a conjunction or proper punctuation.

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