Pronunciation – Why Does ‘Sub’ Prefix Have Two Different Pronunciations?


The title tells the story! As an English learner I noticed that some words consisting the "sub" are sometimes pronounced slightly different. For example according to the Merriam-Webster (American accent) in these two words "subsidy" and "subsidiary" you can notice the differences, just click on the words! The guy says the "sub" part in the "subsidy" with a long a like vowel sound with this phonetic /sʌb/, but when it comes with "subsidiary" you can hear it as ə, the schwa sound! Why? Is there any rule(s) or something?

Best Answer

The general rule you're looking for is that the vowels in stressed syllables are pronounced as you'd expect (in this case /ʌ/), and vowels in unstressed syllables are pronounced reduced. About 90% of vowels reduce to a schwa when unstressed.