Meaning – A Critical Situation Where No Trick Works


How could one describe a situation in which no trick, no approach, no magic, nothing at all works to change the outcome? One where you have no choice but to accept things as they are.

For example, I can't use the excuse that I was ill for missed homework because I've already used it. Or when this happens with your boss?

What can I call such situation, in a single word, wherein you just have to accept the blame, just have to give in to the situation you are in?

Best Answer

It's a...

no-win situation

...often summed up by saying you're...

damned if you do, and [you're] damned if you don't

Sometimes it's appropriate to call it a...

Catch-22 [situation]

...where it's inherent in the context that you're required to simultaneously observe two or more mutually contradictory constraints. Particularly when successive solutions you come up with are ruled out because of additional constraints you didn't even know about until they were cited as reasons to reject those solutions.

If you are in such a situation, but you've phlegmatically decided to accept it (and any associated blame) without indulging in further protestations against the "unreasonableness", you are...

resigned - because you accept something unpleasant that cannot be changed or avoided