Learn English – A far away place


Is there an English idiomatic expression to indicate a place which is very far away from the speaker's location?

Something like

in the middle of nowhere

but not necessarily implying that the place is isolated, just that it is far.

EDIT: an example sentence could be

I saw a nice house for rent but it's not good for me: it's really [too far away]

Best Answer


As the question changed, I will now propose a more updated answer:

In the backwoods

Backwoods meaning:

an area that is far away from any towns

Otherwise, "in the middle of nowhere" will do just as fine.

Edit: Due to the OP's desire, I would like to add an additional option, which although not idiomatic English, could be used to describe a far away place as well:

A mile and a day/Peter's place is a mile and a day away!