Learn English – a “fishbowl moment”


I was reading an article where this quote appeared:

"… I often receive emails and calls from friends telling me I was just spotted at X corner wearing Y outfit—people observe, comment, notice. Who wouldn't want to look good for those fishbowl moments?"

What does a "fishbowl moment" mean? I tried googling, but no definitions showed up.

Best Answer

Here 'fishbowl' is referred as 'a place open to public view and criticism'. It can be a forum, social networking website, where people can discuss and share their thoughts.

Origin of word can be found here on wikipedia. It says, "a form of dialog that can be used when discussing topics within large groups.It allows the entire group to participate in a conversation."

Fishbowl moment means the time when you receive different types of views in the form of comments like agreement or critics.

For example, "It's a fishbowl moment for you, if you receive the answer that you expecting."

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