Learn English – a good synonym for “interesting”


What's a good synonym for the word "interesting" or "interested"? I find that I use those words a bit too often (e.g. "I'm definitely interested!", "Yeah, that sounds really interesting, I would love learning more about it!", "That's interesting!", etc.)… but I can't seem to find any good synonyms. (Online sites don't really give me good synonyms.)

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Well. Here are a few that might be apt in specific situations. But remember, it is the situation and your comfort with the phrase that works best. Do not try too hard to not sound redundant. Nobody cares about too much redundancy in spoken english.

I'm definitely interested! = Count me in; You have my attention go on (from my boss)

Yeah, that sounds really interesting, I would love learning more about it! = Sounds pretty cool to me; Goodness me, is it true;

That's interesting! = Oh Cool...; That's fantastic; That's awesome

And how about these??

"I'll keep that in mind" or " I am going to make a mental note of it "

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