Learn English – a metaphor for something that seems simple or straightforward but is actually complex or has many considerations involved


For work I'm writing about a product that on the outside seems simple but has many factors. We are manufacturers of this product and want to sell customers on the idea that we take care of the complex details so they can just reap the benefits of a properly built product. Wanting to start with a sentence like

"x is an x, except it's not. While seemingly simple, there are many considerations that go into the proper make and use of x. They are the _______ (metaphor) of the xy industry."

Something like that.

Thank you.

Best Answer

They are just the tip of the iceberg.

From TheFreeDictionary.com:

Only a small, often unrepresentative portion of something much larger or more complex that cannot yet be seen or understood.

They only scratch the surface.

From TheFreeDictionary.com:

To do, engage with, or understand something to only a minimal or superficial degree.