Learn English – a popular idiom for making a mistake that results in utter failure


After watching a funny YouTube video of a kid spilling his water and then immediately slipping on it, I came up with a unique idiom today:

I hope you spill your water and slip on it.


I spilled my water and slipped on it.

With the rough meaning:

  1. Making a mistake that causes utter failure.
  2. Emphasis on a mistake that results in massive, negative consequences.

Are there any other, more common idioms that can fit this meaning or come close to it? Something that suggests a compounding of loses perhaps?

I found this idiom to be close (found here) but I don't think it fits the criteria of being common and it may not be easily decipherable:

himalayan blunder

It took me a moment to realize this didn't mean a blunder the size of a mountain but instead a mistake made while climbing a himalayan mountain (say Mount Everest) would most likely spell doom.

Best Answer

Misfortunes never come singly

This proverb (self-explanatory) means that bad things tend to happen in groups. For example:

I already told you that my wife lost her job. Well, misfortunes never come singly; our house was robbed last night.

Less idiomatic, but closer to question: one error leading to another