Learn English – A question asked in order to expose ignorance


I am looking for a particular word that describes:

a question that is asked in order to expose ignorance/lack of

As with a rhetorical question, the questioner knows the answer, but suspects the person being addressed doesn't.

Best Answer

Teachers sometimes refer to this kind of question as a trap:

From The Pragmatics of Mathematics Education by Tim Rowland:

One common perception is that the questions teachers ask their pupils are not searchlights focused to reveal truth, but traps set to expose ignorance.

Rowland was quoted in Teacher-student Interaction by Alandeom Wanderlei de Oliveira.

Seymour B. Sarason expresses the same notion in a different way in Letters to a Serious Education President:

They are both surprised and puzzled by my question, as if I am setting a trap to expose their ignorance.