Learn English – A single adjective to describe a person who has personal issues


I'm writing a very short (one sentence) description that is meant to be a tagline. I'm looking for a single adjective to describe an individual who has personal problems (or, rather, negative traits that the individual is attempting to improve on) that he/she is battling internally:

  • Impatience
  • Cynicism
  • Lack of enthusiasm

A crude example (not the actual description) to illustrate what I am working with is as follows:

The story of four [insert word] friends who are trying to find their place in the world.

As of now, the only word I can think of is "troubled", however I would like to know what other words are available for me to use.

Best Answer

I would use the adjective jaded, which means tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm. It implies an internal dissatisfaction that may not be shared by others. For example, one can become jaded by living too long in a large city, and become unenthusiastic, cynical and distrustful of others.

This is well-suited to the idea of trying to improve or fit in, as becoming jaded is something that happens slowly over time. It's also pretty universally seen as a bad thing that takes a personal, internal realignment of attitudes to reverse.

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