Learn English – A single word meaning “absolute control over something”


I'm looking for a single word meaning “absolute control over something”. For example, the government having absolute control over money. →

The government has [a] ________ over money.

I thought of “stranglehold”, but I'd prefer something without the mild negative connotation. Even “monopoly” tends to give a slightly different meaning.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

I'd suggest you reconsider stranglehold, which actually is nowhere near as mild as you think.


  1. A grip around the neck of another person that can kill by asphyxiation if held for long enough.

  2. Complete or overwhelming control: in France, supermarkets have less of a stranglehold on food supplies ODO

If you're still not happy with it, consider:


1: a hold that involves strong choking pressure applied to the neck of another

2: absolute dominance or control : had a chokehold on the city's finances M-W


A vicious, strangling, or stultifying control M-W

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