Learn English – A word describing a person who doesn’t overcomplicate things


I'm trying to put together a decent résumé and am looking for a meliorative word to describe someone who concentrates on keeping things simple for both himself and other people (boss, clients etc). This one had me stumped.

Best Answer

Practical 6. Level-headed, efficient, and unspeculative. He is a very practical person; completely practical in his approach to business

A facilitator (this sounds modern and business-like) a person or thing that facilitates a person responsible for leading or coordinating the work of a group, as one who leads a group discussion: Each committee will meet with its facilitator.

A facilitator is one who usually helps move things along, helps provide guidance and supervision. If you've ever worked on a project, you will know that it takes all members to complete the project, but it usually helps to have someone keep things moving toward the goal.